Watermelon mojito

Hot summer days LOVE watermelon. Here’s a nice refreshing twist on a traditional Mojito recipe, which adds a nice pop of flavour and colour.

You can leave it as a mocktail version, or add a little something extra for a special adult cocktail version.

TIP: I tried just chopping the watermelon but it was tricky to drink, so I’d recommend blending it, and frozen if you can, to stop it from separating quickly. You could also add a few drops of your favourite citrus or mint essential oils to this to add some extra flavour!

No more needs to be said - lets get to it, this recipe will serve 4.



  • Watermelon (4 thick cut half-circle slices)

  • 1-2 Lime, Lemon or Orange

  • Optional: some extra drops of a citrus essential oil to really give it some pop!

  • Fresh mint (few sprigs)

  • 8 teaspoons honey/maple syrup (or to taste)

  • 1 litre Sparkling water

  • Ice


  1. Blend watermelon and pop into a large jug.

  2. Squeeze out 4 tablespoon of your favourite citrus juice/essential oils.

  3. Tear or muddle mint leaves.

  4. Add 8 teaspoons of honey/maple syrup.

  5. Stir to combine all ingredients so far and top up with sparkling water.

  6. Optional - for a cheeky adult version add in a few shots of your favourite rum!