Healthy home
Make your home a safe-haven free of harmful toxins

The first question I typically get asked is why do this? Surely all the products I use in my home have been tested for safety?
Unfortunately - no they haven’t.
There are over 100,000 synthetic chemicals available on the market today. And an estimated 65,000-100,000 of synthetic chemicals were grandfathered into the current market (Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976) which means they have not had ANY safety testing.
Of the chemicals that have been tested since then, toxic labelling is required only if 50% of the animals tested…DIE. Yep you read that right. DIE.
That certainly got my attention, now lets show you how to do the same and create a healthy home environment for you and your family.
"There are over 100,000 synthetic chemicals available on the market. They're in everything, from shampoo to hair dye, nail polish, moisturiser, hair spray, food, water, toys, over the counter and prescription drugs, cleaning products and clothing.
We ingest, absorb and inhale these chemicals everyday. They get into our bodies and end up in our bloodstream or get stored in our organs.
The problem is, over half of these chemicals have never been tested for their toxicity on the human body. Many are carcinogens, suspected carcinogens, hormone disrupters, allergens and other harmful substances."
What common chemicals should I look out for?
Here’s some of the most common chemicals:
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS) - commercially used as an engine degreaser, but found in more than 90 percent of personal care and cleaning products (most foaming products) including shampoo, body wash, cleansers, toothpaste, hand creams, mascara and acne treatment. They are skin/lung/ eye irritants, and interact with other chemicals to form a carcinogen (i.e. causes cancer) and lead to endocrine disruption, kidney and respiratory damage.
Propylene Glycol - an anti-freeze solvent found in deodorants, cosmetics, shampoo, toothpaste, lotions and ice cream. Can cause dermatitis, kidney and liver abnormalities.
Parabens - widely used preservatives that mimic the action of the female hormone estrogen and found in cosmetics, body washes, deodorants, shampoo and facial cleansers, beer, softdrinks, frozen dairy products, processed vegetables and pharmaceutical products. Associated with increased risk of breast cancer.
Fragrance/Parfum - an overarching term for 100-1000’s of synthetic chemicals derived mainly from petroleum found in scented candles, perfumes, lotions, shampoos. Can cause respiratory issues, skin irritation, headaches, vomiting, cancer, lung and heart disease and reproductive disorders.
Formaldehyde - a known carcinogen still found under other names in shampoo, body wash, sunscreen, cosmetics, toothpastes, construction adhesive, plywood and more. Can cause eye and skin irritation, asthma, headaches, leukaemia and cancer.

The toxic build up from these chemicals over the years within your body causes inflammation, which can then lead to various health issues such as allergies, asthma, skin conditions, fertility issues, digestive issues, obesity, diabetes, behavioural and cognitive issues, through to the more serious autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's, Crohn's, Celiac, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Alzheimer's. This is just the tip of the iceberg, we haven't even mentioned the potential big ones - cancer and heart disease.
So, we set out to find ways to reduce our personal and household chemical exposure, while maximising our health and vitality.
One potent way to do that, as we have found, is by using clean everyday ingredients such as vinegar, bi-carb and coconut oil, with the addition of pure essential oils in place of many of the harsh, industrial and synthetic chemical products that we used to buy and use - on ourselves, on our kids and around our homes - without really thinking about it.
Since changing, the improvements we've experienced in our health and enjoyment of life have been nothing less than astounding.
I will do everything I can to reduce this risk, and this is why I'm talking to you here right now, to educate you, to inspire you that there is another way, and to show you how you can do this too.
Want to make the switch and ditch more chemicals from your home?
You've just read about how many chemicals might be lurking in your makeup bag and household. If you’re ready to ditch the toxins but not sure where to start then book in a healthy home environment consultation where we will go through room by room to identify possible toxins, recommend safe alternatives and a plan to transition.
Book a healthy home environment consultation
If you’re confident to start yourself, contact me and lets get you set up with the products I use, and this includes my support with all the recipes and tips and tricks I use! I'm talking about giving your kitchen, bathroom, laundry, bedroom and of course your health and wellness cabinet a MAKEOVER!
It's simply amazing how easy it is to switch and ditch from products that are full of synthetic toxins, to just using some simple essential oil-infused products - and they smell soooo much better than just bi-carb and white vinegar!