Healthy body

What do you put onto your body?

Most of us associate a healthy body with eating a healthy diet filled with lots of whole foods, fruit and vegetables, drinking plenty of water and doing some physical activity. And these definitely an important part of maintaining a an overall healthy body.

But what about what you put ONTO your skin?

Did you know that the average woman applies hundreds of chemicals to her skin each day?  These penetrate your skin and make their way into your body and brain in a matter of minutes, disrupting your hormones and creating inflammation in the body.

And our babies can't avoid this either, researchers have analysed the umbilical cord blood of newborn infants and detected an average of 200 industrial chemicals known to be toxic.*

They are born this way, even before anything touches their skin!

"Researchers have analysed the umbilical cord blood of newborn infants and detected an average of 200 industrial chemicals known to be toxic."

So what does all this mean? There's only a small amount of chemicals within each product right?

Yes that's right, but multiply that small amount by the number of products you use each day, and then by the number of years that you've used those products. This is commonly referred to as your overall body burden.

Some of the most common ones for example are toothpastes, moisturisers, soaps, shampoos, deodorants, perfumes, and makeup.


A quick mention for makeup specifically. When I looked at switching to what I thought was a good natural mineral makeup, I discovered that the cosmetics industry is a whole different story by itself!

Please do extra research here…

The toxic build up from these chemicals over the years within your body causes inflammation, which can then lead to various health issues such as allergies, asthma, skin conditions, fertility issues, digestive issues, obesity, diabetes, behavioural and cognitive issues, through to the more serious autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's, Crohn's, Celiac, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Alzheimer's.  This is just the tip of the iceberg, we haven't even mentioned the potential big ones - cancer and heart disease.

No thanks. Not for me. Not for my family. And I don’t want this for your family either.

I will do everything I can to reduce this risk, and this is why I'm talking to you here right now, to educate you, to inspire you that there is another way, and to show you how you can do this too.

* “The Pollution in Newborns", a 2006 study from Mt. Sinai Medical Centre and Environmental Working Group (EWG). 

Where to start

Ready to ditch the toxins but not sure where to start? Book in a healthy home environment consultation where we will go through room by room to identify possible toxins, and recommend safe alternatives and a plan to transition.

Book a healthy home environment consultation

My motivation and purpose

This is where my motivation started, to find safe and effective products that the whole family can use, and are also safe for our environment.

My purpose is to expose a growing concern of the amount of harmful chemicals in our everyday personal care and cleaning products, and the link between these and the declining health of our society.

My intention is to educate and empower you on how you can transition away from these and make an informed choice about the products you buy. Essential oils are just one of the tools I use. Why? They’re easy to use, smell great, and most importantly they work.

I want to make an impact on this planet by leaving it in a better state than I found it. I want all of us, and our kids, to be happy, healthy and vibrant and enjoy this one beautiful life that we have!

Essential oils

Why essential oils? For me, essential oils were the tool I used to transition away from my current modern toxic lifestyle. They’re easy to use, cost effective, and most importantly they have worked so well for me and my entire family! I use them as my complementary medicine kit, my emotional wellbeing, through to my personal care and cleaning products. Pretty versatile right?!


What exactly are essential oils?

Lovingly harvested from farm-grown and wildcrafted plants, herbs, and trees across the world, essential oils are concentrated plant extracts obtained by careful steam distillation, cold pressing, or resin tapping.  Plants depend on these to grow, evolve, and adapt to their surroundings.

They are the plant’s immune system and life force, so also play an important role in defending against insects, disease, and harsh environmental conditions.

These pure essential oils are far more powerful than the botanicals from which they are extracted, each containing the optimal levels of specific, naturally occurring constituents to maximise their potency. For more information about these or to order some for yourself please contact me!

Online class - Your natural toolkit

Are you curious to learn more about what you just read and want to know more about transitioning your whole house to a low-toxin environment?

Check out my online class to show you what my natural toolkit looks like, and how easily you are able to transition away from toxic chemicals using Young

Living essential oils and their oil-infused products, and begin to feel those health benefits for yourself!

Learn More

Want to skip the class and just order some, head to my order page.