Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT)

As a holistic health coach, I'm conscious that someone's emotional health is a crucial part of living a healthy lifestyle. This part thought is often overlooked though - with most people (including me!) turning to changing their food or exercise regimes first. Though these are also fundamental parts, I found I was personally missing a way of addressing any emotional issues or blocks, and knew many others who were searching for a technique to free them of this too.

In early 2018 I discovered Aroma Freedom Technique, also referred to as AFT.  It had such a profound effect on me that it inspired me to become a Certified AFT Practitioner.

What is AFT?

AFT is a step-by-step process for identifying and releasing negative thoughts, cravings, feelings and memories that interfere with reaching our goals and dreams.  These negative thoughts can also be thought of as blocks, and are a result of limiting beliefs, attitudes, experiences and memories developed in the process of growing up in our families and in the world.

AFT uses the power of scent using Young Living essential oils due to their purity, potentency and vibrational qualities, to gently shift awareness away from these negative thoughts, and they are transformed, in a permanent, yet gentle way and initiate a positive outlook and attitude.

Once these blocks are removed, it will allow you to discover how these old beliefs patterns impacted your life, and how you can now move forward and achieve anything you set your intention to – whether it’s personal, wellness or business related.

What influenced AFT?

Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) was developed by Dr Benjamin Perkus, a practicing Clinical Psychologist for the last 20 years.

AFT is a fully guided process based on multiple Psychology modalities - primarily EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) - and influences from NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), NET (Neuro Emotional Therapy) and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, i.e. Tapping). Essential oils are used at key points in this process to gently clear out any blocks, cravings, or negative beliefs and memories - and anchor permanent and positive shifts.

Feedback from clients is that the AFT process is able to achieve in a few sessions, what has taken some people decades of traditional talk-based therapies and counselling. 

Why go through an AFT process?

What I love about this process is that it begins with setting a positive intention, so it doesn’t feel like something needs to be ‘wrong’.

There may be some conscious patterns or unconscious blocks playing out in your life that you haven’t been able to identify, process or release. E.g. not getting picked for a sporting team as a child may play out as: I'm not good enough for this job, this relationship, this sport, or you've started emotionally eating or drinking to fill that feeling of lack.

There might be some cravings (e.g. food, alcohol, tobacco, drug, gambling, shopping or social media!) that you haven’t been able to release and it feels like a constant struggle. You may then question your willpower and begin a downward emotional spiral – taking you further away from what you actually want to achieve.

If you do have a specific traumatic memory that has a high emotional charge, then a modified technique referred to as The Memory Release Technique (TMRT) can be used to guide you through to gently reduce the emotional charge, leaving you with a positive outlook and freedom that can ripple through other areas of your life.

What is different about AFT?

After identifying an intention, craving or negative memory, the AFT process gently guides you to access memories that may be deep in your subconscious, or highlight what you thought were trivial memories – but they a profound impact on your life and on the intention, craving or negative memory you identified.

The scents of particular essential oils are then used to transform these memories, which often have a high emotional charge, in a permanent way. It is something that has to be experienced to truly see this MAGIC!

What to expect after an AFT clearing

Generally people experience a TANGIBLE change in mindset and outlook on life, and feel…lighter. Memories and experiences that used to upset you…no longer do! You don’t quite know why, and wonder if it will last. It doesn’t make ‘sense’ that the emotional charge of a lifelong memory can just be transformed like that!

Schedule an AFT session

AFT can be done in person, or online via a phone or video conference.  All you need is access to the specific Young Living essential oils that are used with the AFT process (which can be organised to be sent to you prior to a session). The following sessions are available:

  • Private 1-1 in-person sessions either in person or online are available. If online, the essential oils can be sent to you (just pay for oils and postage) within Australia prior to an online session. For other countries please contact me to arrange a price. Sessions generally run for 1-1.25 hours. Please book here.

Imagine the potential of what could be achieved and productivity gains if your workplace, community group or sporting team all have a single vision and way of moving forward with everyone's individual blocks released?

Want to learn more about AFT or become a Certified AFT Practitioner?

This is such a wonderful self-help and self-empowerment tool that you can use at any time. After I took myself through this process, I experienced it for myself as I had a huge shift and removed a huge amount of emotional charge off a particular memory, so I wanted to learn more about this process and become a certified practitioner.

The context this can be applied in is limitless though, for example, during pregnancy to remove fears around birth or post-birth guilt, cravings (food, emotional, social media, shopping), through to events which cause anxiety (new job, sport, competitions), or any previous negative or traumatic memories or experiences.

If this sounds like an avenue you’d like to explore, please use my personal link below here: *

If you do not already have the required essential oils then please connect with me and I will help you get set up.

* Please know I may receive a small thank you kickback for introducing you on behalf of the Aroma Freedom Academy.